Back-ups Are VERY Important!

Let’s take a minute and discuss backing-up our blogs. Unfortunately, I have experienced the dreaded loss of all my posts since 2015. It saddens me to see all that work go down the drain. Sure, I can use “WayBackMachine” to see what I put out there months/years ago, but in order to put it back on my blog it would take a lot of copy and pasting. Plus, the dates would be incorrect! *ugh* So my decision is just to start anew.

I have recently changed my server provider from GoDaddy to Bluehost. Unfortunately, that is where my issues of losing my posts started — hopefully it’s worth it. So far I really like the seamless integration of WordPress on Bluehost. On the GoDaddy server, I always found it difficult to perform backups, and to even write posts (if I’m honest). With Bluehost, everything seems very easily accessible. So maybe that will mean more frequent postings. Yay!

In future news — I have a few new book posts coming up soon that I’m super excited to share. I’ve been given the opportunity to read some amazing books releasing this summer, and I can’t wait to share them with you all!

Talk soon.


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